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Other Issues in Media & Society

Here you can find other blogs to visit if you are interested in different issues related to media and society. All of the blogs mentioned below are blogs of my classmate's that I found as interesting because they are somehow connected to the topic of my blog as well.


Recommendation I: Emotional Branding

The first interesting blog was done by Zdenka. Her blog is about emotions in advertising and emotional connections between brand and customers.

If you are interested in how current companies using emotional branding in their advertising campaigns in effective ways, you should definitely visit this blog. It will explain you what elements should be contained in your brand if you desire to make your brand strong. Furthermore, there are very good book suggestions to get deeper knowledge about the topic. At the end, she is giving her view on the ethics of emotional advertising.

Personally, the most interesting idea from the blog is Brand As a Religion, Religion As a Brand. You should definitely read at least this article.

Recommendation I: Influencers of social media

If you want to get information about social media influencers, then you would enjoy a blog of Amy. She is explaining her experiences with influencers and giving examples of those she likes.

After reading her blog, I took away the fact that there are different types of influencers. What I really appreciate is that she is giving the insight to Mongolia environment on her blog. Because it is giving a reader some personal connection to her.

Linda and her blog will give you explain you how social media impact your everyday lives. She is giving examples of very serious consequences.

I really like that she includes the topic of parental advisory to this problem, because I personally can observe the impact of social media on children. So, this blog is essential reading for all parents in the 21st century!

Recommendation V: Social Media Addiction

Do you want to know if you are facing a problem with social media addiction? Go and visit a blog of Uffetrai! The increasing amount of time spending with digital media is alarming findings.

As my last recommendation, I would like to mention a blog about impacts of advertising on our bodies and mental health, especially on our self-esteem. This is a good reading for everybody because who has not got a problem with self-esteem at least once in their live?



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