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For Further Research

Nowadays, everybody has got an assess to the enormous amount of information thanks to the Internet and people who is creating websites. I would like to share a few recommendations here that I found during my research.

(Alliance For Affordable Internet, 2019)

Firstly, I would like to recommend the website of MediaSmarts. It is a Canadian non-profit charitable organization helping to youth to become an active, engaged and informed digital citizens. The organization is focused on media literacy education of young Canadian, but I think the website is useful for everybody. If you want to get more information about what they actually do, what is their goals and beliefs, there is their brochure providing a good overview (MediaSmarts, n.d.).

My next recommendation is to visit Reed Digital Collection: Sexism and Racism in Advertising. The collection’s purpose is to raise awareness about sexism and racism of public culture in the U.S. It might be used as a database of visual advertisements, including the websites from the ads were gained (Reed Institute and Charlene Makley, n.d.).

Another website, I want to mention here, is called Ad Age. The Ad Age is focusing on “curated creativity, data and analysis, people and culture, and innovation and forecasting,” (AdAge, n.d.). If you want to get to know more, for instance, about The New Female Consumer, the Advertising Age published an in-depth report about this topic in 2009 (Miley & Mack, 2009).

As the last one, I want to mention #WOMENNOTOBJECTS campaign (womennotobjects, n.d.). I think the best way to get to know what the campaign is about is to watch their video.

(WomenNotObjects, 2016)



AdAge. (n.d.). AdAge About Us. Retrieved from

AdAge. (n.d.). AdAge. Retrieved from

Alliance For Affordable Internet. (2019, September 16). Raising the bar for internet access: Introducing “Meaningful Connectivity”. [digital image]. Retrieved from

MediaSmarts. (n.d.). Committed to helping young Canadians get the most out of media. Retrieved from

MediaSmarts. (n.d.). Home. Retrieved from

Miley, M. & Mack, A. (2009). The New Female Consumer: The Rise Of the Real Mom. Retrieved from

Reed Institute and Charlene Makley. (n.d.). Sexism & Racism in Advertising. Retrieved from

womennotobjects. (n.d.). #WOMENNOTOBJECTS. Retrieved from

WomenNotObjects. (2016, January 11). We Are #WomenNotObjects. [Video file]. Retrieved from

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