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My View

Advertising is a specific type of communication. In the 21st century, this “advertising communication” is omnipresent. All of these advertising campaigns are influencing our lives to a large extent; they became a part of our society. Their impacts might be positive as well as negative. Our society needs to be aware of these effects. Consequently, many media literacy projects have been created in order to open discussion about the media issues and extend knowledge about these issues further into society.

(media.gettyimages, e.d.)

One of the issues in relation to advertising effects on society might be the fact that communication context is sometimes failing in advertising. As the example of the Current Events I examined, racism is still a huge issue in the world. By supporting it nothing will improve. The Current Events I is clearly showing the importance of the knowledge and understanding culture of the market where a company want to run its advertising campaign. Furthermore, advertisers need to be more aware of what effects their ads might have on the society. They should behave more responsibly toward all people. They should not think only about the business aspect of the advertising campaigns, but also about the ethical and moral aspect of it (Schultz, 2018).

The Current Events I is only one of the latest that showing the failure of advertisers stemming from unrecognizability of potential racial sensitivity. This is a vulnerable part of the advertising nowadays, especially if the campaign will reach a wide audience and will be shared on social media. It was a communication failure, because the audience clearly do not recognize the message of this particular advertisement. Furthermore, the failure can be the fact that the advertisers do not understand the context of the message, i.e. the physical environment, country, culture, where the advertising campaign will run (Schultz, 2018).

(Business Insider, 2018)

Regarding the Current Events II, I think that this advertising campaign had a very noble purpose and that it also resonated with an enormous audience that get the message of the campaign, “Women: You’re More Beautiful Than You Think.” Of course, there are some critics. There is always a different point of view, but the whole Dove Real Beauty Campaign was accepted in a very positive way in the world. Maybe this campaign helped some women to realized that there is not only one beauty ideal (Grose, 2013).

(superpalas, 2019)

Another, mostly positively perceived advertising campaign, is Nike Real Women Campaign. Nike wanted to change media’s approaches and techniques towards portraying women in advertising as well (Perez, 2013).

(Nike, 2019)

From my point of view, these are great examples of positive impact of advertising on society. Hopefully, there would be more advertising campaigns similar to the Dove’s or Nike’s one. Hypothetically, if there would be more advertising like these two in the future, the positive change in portraying women in media is possible. It is reasonable estimation based on the Cultivation Theory which saying that “there is a connection between the amount of media exposure and one’s attitude and beliefs,” (Perez, 2013).

Furthermore, in accordance with a research completed by Badger & Winters partnered with The Girls’ Lounge and Advertising Benchmark Index (ABX), “the objectification of women in advertising has on a brands’ reputation, as well as on consumers’ purchase intent,” (source). This conclusion came up after interviewing 3,000 consumers 13-74 years of age in the U.S. (womennotobjects, n.d.).

(womennotobjects, n.d.)

(womennotobjects, n.d.)

(womennotobjects, n.d.)

On the other hand, there are always some critical voices telling us that even a positively perceived ad by the majority of population has got some negative aspects. There is always a different point of view. Perception of each of us differs from others. Each individual is different. Diversity is one of the key aspects of humanity that we, as society, need to understand and appreciate. According to the professor of anthropology at Reed College, Charlene E. Makley:

“One of the fundamental points I make to my students in that the social causes and effects of media images are extremely complex and multilateral. Any consideration of their “meaning” must take into account not only our own personal investments in them and the lifestyles they depict, but also the political economic milieu of which they are an inextricable part,” (Makley, 2002).

For sure, more companies should access to our society more responsibly, especially in their advertising campaigns. However, there are already present those approaching responsibly and social-friendly in their advertising campaigns, but I still think that there is more of the irresponsible ones. Therefore, media literacy is highly important skill nowadays, and a variety of media literacy projects are essentials for our society.



Business Insider. (2018, March 26). Heineken Light is under fire for an ad campaign some are calling “terribly racist.”. [digital image]. Retrieved from

Makley, Ch.E. (2002). Sexism and Racism in Advertising. Retrieved from

Nike. (2019, February 24). Nike | Dream Crazier. [Video file]. Retrieved from

Perez, N.P. (2013). Roles of Women in Advertising: The Objectification of Women and the Shift to an Empowering Ad Frame. Retrieved from

Schultz, E.J. (2018, March 27). How Did This Happen? Behind Heineken Light's "Lighter Is Better" Ad Mistake. Retrieved from

superpalas. (2019, February 26). Dove’s Real Beauty Sketches. [digital image]. Retrieved from

womennotobjects. (n.d.). Quantifying The Effect of Objectifying Women in Advertising. Retrieved from

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